Junta de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona Collection

The Junta de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, created in 1906, was a Catalan organization that meant the institutionalization of naturalistic work and the formation of the first natural sciences collections. The non-academic institutions played a central role in such process, by, influencing the naturalistic research at the time, contributing to the first scientific studies.

The Junta was in charge of bringing together all the Barcelona institutions that dedicated their collections to the natural sciences and promotedtheir increase, reorganization, classification and cataloguing. The Junta publications demonstrate the importance of the institution and the vision that the organization had towards the respect of natural resources and developed societies.

The Junta de Ciències Naturals collection, kept at the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB), cover the Junta activities during the period 1935–1939 and is made up of six boxes (1 linear meter).

There are 33 simple documentary units catalogued that correspond to the Flora de Catalunya project. The rest of the documents are still being in process of organization and description, but more information on the collection can be found in the Catalogue of the CSIC Library and Archives Network.


Content of the collection

  • Documents produced and received during the years the Junta activities was operating (1905–1939).
  • Botanical documents referring to the first compilation of the flora of Catalonia, as well as the manuscripts of the published Flora de Catalunya.
  • Scientific correspondence.
  • Botanical explorations.
  • Specialized publications.