Joan Cadevall i Diars Collection

Joan Cadevall i Dairs (Castellgalí, 1846 – Terrassa, 1921) was a botanist and geographer dedicated to teaching and a pioneer in the publication of an illustrated flora of Catalonia. Throughout his life he created his own herbarium, nowadays kept at the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB). Cadevall, before his death, began the writing of his Flora de Catalunya, publishing the first three volumes. The four posthumous volumes were published thanks to the work of Pius Font i Quer.

As Cadevall was a member of the Junta de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona between 1905 and 1910, he decided to donate his collection to the institution. Dated between 1893 and 1921, the Cadevall collection is distributed in four boxes made up of 63 simple documentary units and 83 compound documentary units. More information on the collection can be found in the CSIC Library and Archives Network Catalogue.


Content of the collection

  • Correspondence with other botanists and collectors such as Carlos Pau, Pius Font i Quer and Brother Sennen, as well as with national and international botanical institutions.
  • Original manuscript of the Flora de Catalunya that Cadevall started in 1905 (7 files and 1,236 pages) and was completed by Font i Quer in 1937 with the help of Carlos Pau and Werner Rothmaler (16 files). It is the first compilation of plant species in Catalonia.
  • 1,892 herbarium descriptive cards, 400 cards of mushrooms and some etymologies of plant names.

The correspondence with Font i Quer and Carlos Pau allows us to know how they discussed and talked about the species determinations to complie the Flora de Catalunya.