
Science Week
  • The Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB) actively participates in the Science Week, a yearly milestone celebrated in November in the majority of European countries.
  • It is one of the most relevant initiatives for scientific dissemination. Its main characteristic is that institutions and research centres open their doors to citizens during some days to learn about the latest advances in science and the main research lines that scientists are developing.
  • The Week is intended for granting access to the public in general to spaces where scientific knowledge is developed, getting in direct contact with labs and researchers. All formats are welcomed: workshops, exhibits, guided tours and open doors journeys, encounters between youngsters and researchers, scientific cafes, debates, conferences, shows, etc.
  • In Catalonia, it is organized by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació.
  • During this week at the IBB open doors journeys  are carried out as well as workshops on vegetal evolution, plant identification, scientific collections and vegetal structure microscope observation. It also organizes seminars and guided visits in the labs, library and herbarium.
  • The activities that are going to be held every year appear at the agenda of IBB, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona and  CSIC. You can read previous activities from 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 editions.
Planta’t al Botànic
  • The Planta’t als Botànic is an activity organized by the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona to welcome spring and autumn. It is a participative celebration with various activities aimed to families. Open days with free activities fully accessible for people with reduced mobility are held. There are also exhibitions, workshops, traditional games and guided visits. It is carried out in the Botanical Garden of Barcelona (JBB), the Historical Botanical Garden and the IBB.
  • It is part of the activity program at parks, beaches and rivers in the metropolitan area, where people are invited to discover the spaces of the Xarxa de Parcs Metropolitans to learn about its vegetation, natural environments and history.
  • The IBB participates with guided visits through its facilities and the Gabinet Salvador. And also holds ethnobotanical workshops and talks.
  • The information about these activities appear at the IBB and Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona agenda one month before their celebration.
  • EscoLab is an initiative of the Programa Barcelona Ciència of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and the Programa de Cultura Científica of the Institut d’Educació of the Ajuntament de Barcelona, to introduce high school and college students to research centers with education activities.
  • More than 100 activities are suggested by researchers from more than 50 different laboratories or research departments. Activities include workshops and visits that let students meet the enormous lab diversity and establish contact with its multidisciplinary teams and their research lines.
  • Since April 2015 the IBB participates in this project offering plant evolution and plant determination workshops (links refer to activities held in 2018-2019).
  • Activities can be found on this link.
  • The IBB co-organizes the BioBlitz an annual landmark regarding the discovery of the natural environment in the urban area with citizen participation. For two days a prospecting campaign is done within a specific urban area where researches and citizens elaborate a fauna and flora inventory. For now, at the BioBlitzBcn, organized since 2010, the Parc de la Ciutadella, the parc del Laberint and the Montjuïc mountain areas have been studied.
  • IBB researchers participate in inventorying vascular plants. In addition, they teach how to recognize the characteristic traits of most important botanical families and to distinguish ornamental plants, cultivated and allochthonous (or exotic) from autochthonous ones (indigenous species). On the other side, citizens learn how scientists work to elaborate floristic inventories.
  • Data from the first five editions of the BioBlitzBcn (2010-2014) are available at GBIF Biodiversity web. In total, 2.099 collected data have been published, of which 937 correspond to vascular plants.
Saló de l’Ensenyament
  • Since 2015, the IBB participates at the CSIC stand in the Saló de l’Ensenyament that takes place in March. In this stand, in the Espai Ciència zone, some researchers from the IBB show high school students the research that is done at the IBB and guide them through their career election (if the students ask).
  • Quick activities that can be done at the stand are offered: observation of herbarium sheets with a binocular loupe or microscopical pollen observation.
  • This participation is co-organized within the Unitat de Cultura Científica of the Delegació del CSIC a Catalunya.