Francesc Bolòs herbarium

The Francesc Bolòs i Germà (1773-1844) herbarium was ceded (in deposit) to the Botanical Institute in 1934 by Antoni de Bolòs. Francesc Bolòs was correspondent for the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid and in contact with botanists of the time such as Casimiro Gómez Ortega, Mariano Lagasca, Pierre André Pourret, José Quer, his grandfather Joan Minuart or Miquel Bernades.

This pharmacist and naturalist studied the flora of northern Catalonia, especially the area around Olot, at the end of the 18th century. In addition, he collaborated in the discovery of the volcanic area of La Garrotxa district, initiating meteorological observations in this region.

His herbarium, with around 3,922 sheets, contains plants principally collected in Catalonia. Most specimens are from Olot’s surrounding areas, but also some are from the Pyrenees where he collected with P. A. Pourret. This collection also preserves specimens gathered by other botanists such as Antonie Gouan or Ignacio Seriola, obtained in exchange. Samples are labeled with pre-Linnaean and Linnaean descriptions but many of them lack locality of collection. This herbarium is being studied in the doctoral thesis of Laura Gavioli.

Online queries

This collection is available at GBIF on the following link (exportation date: November 2019). Although the collection is fully computerized in this portal cannot be found: 17 specimens non determined at the exportation date and 219 specimens that are not vascular plants.

  • 3,614 specimens (92.14%)
  • 3,613 specimens with image (92.12%)
  • Garganta, M. 1936. Francisco Bolós y la cultura de su tiempo. Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Madrid, Facultad de Farmacia. Biblioteca digital
  • Nualart, N. & Ibáñez, N. 2016. Las colecciones históricas del Herbario BC (Instituto Botánico de Barcelona). Boletín de la Asociación de Herbarios Iberico-Macaronésicos 17 : 10–18. Digital.CSIC
  • Gras, A., Garnatje, T., Ibáñez, N., López-Pujol, J., Nualart N. & Vallès, J. 2017. Medicinal plant uses and names from the herbarium of Francesc Bolòs (1773–1844). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 204: 142–168. Digital.CSIC
  • Gavioli, L., López-Pujol, J., Nualart, N., Vallès, J. & Ibáñez, N. 2019. Plantas pirenaicas amenazadas de los herbarios Francesc Bolòs (s. XVIII) y Trèmols (s. XIX), primeros resultados. XII Col·loqui Internacional de Botànica Pirenaica-Cantàbrica. Girona, Spain. Digital.CSIC
  • Gavioli, L., Pérez-Azcárate, M., López-Pujol, J., Vallès, J. & Ibáñez, N. 2019. Los herbarios históricos del Institut Botànic de Barcelona. La conservación y la digitalización: dos estrategias para el futuro. XXIII Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Barcelona, Spain. Digital.CSIC