Library services
- The library of the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB) has 12 reading spaces, where users can consult most of the bibliographic collection. Some items such as unpublished theses, rare books or lesser consulted journal titles are kept apart and should be requested to the library staff. Monographs are sorted by subject (CDU) and journals in alphabetical order.
- You can access the Online catalogue of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Libraries Network in order to consult the availability of any book and their call number.
- The library has two public computers for internet access and provides WIFI service.
- For consultation of rare books including those which belong to the Salvador Collection it is necessary to fulfil certain specific requirements.
- Personal loans are available to all citizens. To become a library user, it is necessary to be registered in the users’ database of the CSIC Libraries Network. If you are not registered in this database, you should fill out a form provided by the library staff. It is also necessary to show some identification document.
- Although a significant portion of the collection can be borrowed, there are some materials exempt from having a loan of. This is the case for monographs identified with a red dot, scientific journals, rare books, maps, unpublished theses and microfiches.
- For more information, consult the loan regulations of the library.
- This service is available to staff of the Botanical Institute. It allows obtaining original documents or reproductions of publications not available in the library collection.
- If you wish to ask for this service, you can contact the library with the bibliographic reference of the required document.
- For more information visit CSIC Library Network.
- To make reproductions of monographs and journals, the library has a photocopier and a scanner available to users. Please ask the library staff in case you need to use such equipment.
- Likewise, users can take photographs without flash.
- These photographs will only have private use. In the case of rare books, plates or other materials in a bad state of preservation, photocopies are not allowed. For the reproduction of such materials the library scanner will be used.
- Users should respect the laws regulating intellectual property.
- If you wish to publish or publicly disseminate copies of any document of the Institute, you should contact the library.
- Fares and reprography rules
- The PAPIservice provides access to electronic resources of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) such as databases, subscribed e-journals, as well as information sources anywhere with an Internet databases, not necessarily a CSIC institution.
- You can register by filling out the web form, in the CSIC’s Corporative Intranet.
- PAPI Service is intended to for CSIC staff who maintain a working relationship with the Research Council, either permanently or temporarily (both assistant and research scholars included). This service is not available to Associated Units.
- Registration at PAPI implies acceptance of the conditions of use including licences of E-journals and databases subscribed by CSIC (summary of the terms of use).
- This is a personal service, where the username and password are not transferable; the user agrees to safeguard access confidentiality and not to provide access to third parties under any circumstances.
- Digital CSIC is the institutional repository of the CSIC, designed for organising, archiving, preserving and disseminating via open access the intellectual output generated as a product of CSIC’s research activities.
- The library handles the delegated archiving of old and recent research outputs by researchers at the Botanical Institute of Barcelona. In order to achieve this, the library keeps track of the scientific publications, creates standardized registers in Digital CSIC, and when the signed licences allow, archives a full text version of works.
- Also, when editorial policies are not enough clear, the library manages the application of permissions for publishing articles and other works in Digital CSIC.
- In addition, the library advises researchers about open access policies which should be fulfilled in order to obtain research funding, especially in relation to the European Union program Horizon 2020.
- The library pays great attention to those queries related to the contents of its collection. We are pleased to help in case you need bibliographic guidance on subjects regarding botany.
- If you wish, you can also make purchase suggestions, queries, etcetera, as they help us improving our services.
- For complaints and suggestions related to the service provided, through the CSIC e-office