Cadevall herbarium

The Cadevall herbarium was ceded by his owner in 1919 to the Botany Department of the Museum of Natural Sciences, the embryo of the current Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB).

Joan Cadevall i Diars (1846-1921), graduated in Natural Sciences, and worked as a teacher and director of Escola Pia de Terrassa. He also contributed with scientific studies, being the author of the first illustrated flora of Catalonia, Flora de Catalunya (1913-1932), with identification keys as well as descriptions. While producing this great collection, he studied the Antoni Cebrià Costa, Frederic Trèmols and Estanislau Vayreda historical herbaria.

The herbarium consists of 8,243 sheets divided into 180 boxes. It includes 144 families and 960 genera, the most abundant families according to the number of sheets being Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae and Lamiaceae. Plants mainly come from Catalonia but there are also several from France, Switzerland and Italy, among other countries. Plants were collected between 1840 and 1920, mainly by Cadevall, but also by other botanists of the time such as Frere Sennen, Carlos Pau, Manuel Llenas, Georges-François Reuter and Pius Font i Quer.

This herbarium was used for the preparation of the Flora dels Països Catalans, and therefore some of its sheets were revised by Oriol Bolòs. Computerization was done with DAC software (supported by the City Council of Barcelona), between the years 1994 and 1995. In 2009, the database was transferred to Herbar, the application most currently used in herbaria.

For more information about the author, you can consult the documents preserved in IBB’s historical archives.

Online queries

This collection is available at GBIF on the following link (exportation date: November 2019). Although the collection is fully computerized in this portal cannot be found: 3 that are not vascular plants.

  • 8,240 specimens (99.96%)
  • 8 type specimens
  • 23 specimens with images (0.28%)
  • 5,874 specimens including geographic coordinates (76.27%)
  • Ibáñez, N. 2013. L’herbari Cadevall. Sesion “L’obra de Joan Cadevall en el centenari de la Flora de Catalunya“. Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona. Digital.CSIC
  • Gavioli, L. 2016. Reunir totes les plantes de Catalunya: adquisició de 5 herbaris de l’Institut Botànic de Barcelona a través de les cartes de Pius Font i Quer. Master thesis. Història de la Ciència: Ciència, Història i Societat. Digital.CSIC
  • Nualart, N. & Ibáñez, N. 2016. Las colecciones históricas del Herbario BC (Instituto Botánico de Barcelona). Boletín de la Asociación de Herbarios Iberico-Macaronésicos 17 : 10–18. Digital.CSIC